It’s the plight of the book-lover. Our shelves runneth over with our favorite novels, and yet we can’t seem to stop ourselves from acquiring more. As any book lover can attest,…
What’s the strangest thing you have ever had to research for a book? I can’t think of anything that would qualify as really strange. However, I should mention that for many…
While we at Bubbles and Books love all of our vendors, we admit to having a special place in our hearts for Emmie Moe’s, makers of the famed moisture melts, as…
What three qualities does an irresistible love interest have to have? Sex Appeal Humor Kindness How do you find new inspiration when you’re feeling stuck? I have no clue. New ideas…
What’s something you are really good at that few people know about? In general, I think any time I’ve really good at something, I don’t exactly keep it a secret, but…