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A Rogue to Remember

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Anxiously Awaiting Bridgerton Season 2? Here’s Your next series!

While we admit there may have been some happy dancing when news that Bridgerton Season 2 is hitting Netflix on January 21st, it was shortly followed with a moment of silence as we realized just how far away that feels. We are solidly invested in the drama of Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sharma, and absolutely everything Penelope Featherington.

In the meantime, what’s a Bridgerton lover to do? We’ve already read the entirety of  Julia Quinn’s amazing Bridgerton series, but now with plenty of time to kill before season 2’s release, we need to get our historical romance fix…now!

So without further ado, we’ve compiled a list of the series that loved almost as much as we loved Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings. Clearly, that’s saying a lot. 

Grace Burrowes Rogues to Riches Series

The Rogues to Riches series by Grace Burrowes

Did you love the drama of the lack of social graces behind closed doors in Bridgerton? The social climbing and backdoor deal-making that ensured everyone kept their status? Then the Rogues to Riches series needs to be your next read!

Set as a sort of Cinderella with a twist style, Burrowes delivers strong, well-developed characters that aren’t afraid to go after what they want. We fell hard for the strong heroines and the sexy rogues who stole their hearts. You’ll want to grab this series to see why!

*Exciting news! How to Catch a Duke from the Rogues to Riches series is featured in our $3 book sale! Click here to buy today!

Tessa Dare’s Girl Meets Duke series

The Girl Meets Duke series by Tessa Dare

Tessa Dare is known for her witty historical romances, sliding some humor into the propriety of the regency era, and the Girl Meets Duke series lives up to her reputation. All three novels offer a take on Beauty and the Beast with each cranky aristocrat meeting his match in the woman of his dreams. 

Full of fun, laugh-out-loud banter, brooding and sexy leading men, and the kind of heroines that you can imagine as your best friends, this series is a welcome follow-up to the Bridgerton novels. 

Sarah MacLeon’s Rules of Scoundrels series

The Rules of Scoundrels series by Sarah MacLean

Sarah MacLean has long been a beloved author in the world of regency romance, and the Rules of Scoundrels series makes it easy to see why. Did you love the glimpse into the illicit underworld of London’s Victorian-era found in Bridgerton? The Rules of Scoundrels may be right up your alley!

Each of the four books in this series focuses on one of the four mysterious owners of the gaming hall known as “The Fallen Angel.” Full of romantic tension, sexy scenes, and charming characters, you too, will soon find yourself falling for a scoundrel!

Lisa Kleypas’s Wallflower Series

The Wallflower series by Lisa Kleypas

Led by their determination to find themselves a suitable mate, the ladies of Lisa Kleypas’ Wallflower are sick of being overlooked in Victorian-era London. The four make a pact to help each other land a husband, no matter what it takes. 

It’s hard not to fall in love with the four wallflowers, and Lisa Kleypas is known as one of the queens of historical romance, for good reason. Delivered with perfect pacing, complex characters, and absolutely electric chemistry, this series is just as addicting as everything Bridgerton has to offer.

The first novel in Emily Sullivan’s League of Scoundrels series

The League of Scoundrels series by Emily Sullivan

This brand new series already has reviewers feeling some serious Bridgerton vibes. Emily Sullivan’s debut novel was just released in March of 2021, and to rave reviews. Taking the Victorian romance out of London and into Italy, A Rogue to Remember follows Lottie Carlisle as she fakes a love affair and takes off into the Italian countryside to escape the tiresome London society scene and her uncle’s determination that she must marry.

This wholly original regency romance manages to add in a road trip and a second chance at love as Lottie’s childhood friend comes searching for her. We fell hard for all of the twists and turns that Emily Sullivan took us on in this novel and cannot wait for the next one to release!

*Exciting news! A Rogue to Remember from the League of Scoundrels series is featured in our $3 book sale! Click here to buy now!

Author Interviews Featured Authors

An Interview with Emily Sullivan

What’s something you are really good at that few people know about?

In general, I think any time I’ve really good at something, I don’t exactly keep it a secret, but I suppose not many people know I’m very good at Trivial Pursuit. My husband refuses to play with me!

If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?

Oh boy, this is a tough one. Well, I think Persuasion is a perfect second chance romance, so let’s go with that!

Is there a character you’ve written that feels closest to your own personality?

I’m sure there is a little bit of me in each of my main characters. I share Lottie’s interest in travel, for example. But part of what I love about writing is creating people different from myself.

Which do you create first, your plot or your characters? 

In the case of A Rogue to Remember the characters definitely came first. I then combined a couple of ideas I had been mulling over to form the plot.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Don’t give up! Some day you will have a BOOK in Barnes & Noble. A ROMANCE book.

What’s next for you? Are you working on a new project? If so, can you give us a teaser and/or an expected release date?

I am drafting book three in my League of Scoundrels series while waiting for copy edits on the second book, The Rebel and The Rake, which comes out on December 28th!